Need to book an appointment or an emergency help? Get in touch with us now and our representative will help you soon.
1. 18117 Biscayne Blvd Suite 3060, Aventura, FL 33160, United States
2. San José COSTA ROCA
Oficentro Torres del Campo Torre 2, Piso, 2, 108, Tournón, San José Province, San Francisco District, Goicoechea
3. Cancun MEXICO
Centro Corporativo Diomeda Oficina 12, 2do. Nivel, Av. Puerto Cancun, 77500 CancĂșn, Q.R.
About Us
Our specialty & expertise is dental implants , treatments for full mouth restorations such as All on 4 and all on 6, even all on 8. We do these procedures utilizing latest techniques and technology like Digital smile design and digital mock ups to explore the final results before we begin. We have our own lab,
Two Convenient Locations
1. San José COSTA RICA
Oficentro Torres del Campo Torre 2, Piso, 2, 108, Tournón, San José Province, San Francisco District, Goicoechea
2. Cancun MEXICO
Centro Corporativo Diomeda Oficina 12, 2do. Nivel, Av. Puerto Cancun, 77500 CancĂșn, Q.R.
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Business Hours
Monday: 9am-11pm Tuesday: 9am-11pm Wednesday: 9am-11pm Thursday: 9am-11pm Friday: 9am-11pm Saturday: 9am-11pm Sunday: 9am-11pm